Digital Products (IoT)

We know how new and old products can be digitally expanded intelligently

After the advent of digital transformation and the Internet of Things (IoT) at the latest, it should be clear to all companies that intelligent products with smart digital features are absolutely relevant for the customers of the future. In order to adapt to these new customer requirements at an early stage, we develop new smart product ideas for your product range and your existing customers. We know how new and old products can be digitally expanded intelligently.

When implementing new and further developed digital products, we rely on a close exchange with engineers and product managers in your company in order to bring together the best of all worlds and to develop exciting products for your customers. We focus on B2B and B2C products, which contain new value creation potential for your company.

In product development, we rely on an agile approach with fast prototypes that can already be validated for acceptance and potential with crowd testing or with closed customer groups. In order to be able to efficiently take existing knowledge into account in the process, we use idea workshops, customer competitions and in-depth interviews in order to be able to optimally integrate the requirements and wishes of users and customers into the planning process and the generation of ideas!

What does digital product development look like?

Smart Industry 4.0

Smart Industry 4.0


Quality assurance electronics

What possibilities do IoT and smart products offer you?

In addition to the far-reaching effects of digital innovation on business policy, the Internet of Things poses enormous technological challenges for companies in all industries. We help you with the effective and sustainable transformation!

We have put together the most important application scenarios and ideas for the Internet of Things in our info box. If you want additional ideas, please just contact us.

Examples of smart products

We design and plan the production of hardware and electronics for the smart expansion of your products. Here we rely on proven suppliers, a lot of experience and multi-stage prototypes.

How do we support digital product development?

We work proactively on new business areas and products

From our many years of experience in the digital field, we know how important it is to recognize customer requirements in the future as early as possible in addition to current challenges. We regularly create new products and business ideas on the basis of our customers and thus point out interesting business areas and possible interesting start-ups for everyone involved at an early stage.

Agile companies need strong foundations

To make your company act faster and more innovatively in the market, you have to make it agile. You achieve this agility through your employees, suppliers and processes. In order to prepare them for the challenges of the future, you have to provide your company with an unshakable brand essence, so that everyone involved knows which goal you can focus on in the long term and can compare new products directly with the brand essence.

Processes and suppliers for the establishment of new digital products

New products not only need convincing ideas, successful prototypes and suitable marketing, but digital products also require suitable processes and suppliers in order to be placed on the market in a meaningful way. Topics such as security and reliability are meanwhile again important topics for customers, which can only be covered with the right processes and suppliers. We have the right expertise and experience in both areas and are happy to use our experience to your advantage.

We check the project at an early stage in closed crowd testing

With the help of tests under real conditions with real people in a closed ecosystem, we can quickly validate whether assumptions from consulting, conception, design and development have the desired effect on the product. This early validation helps products get off to an optimal start and there are no marketing effects due to avoidable errors in product development.

We support you on the way to your success

Our goal is to develop long-term successful products with our customers. It is usually not about the short-term jump on current hype, but about sustainable and long-term expansion of your own product range.

We form project teams from our people and yours so that we can achieve the best possible output for the success, quality and effectiveness of your product. For us this means that consultants and conception are permanently part of the product development team in order to achieve the best result for your new product.

“We understand objectives from a creative and technical point of view as well as from the perspective of your business”

– Till Neitzke, Chief Executive Officer
