ClapConnection-Fix Clap Connection 4



  • Partner: CarlNann GmbH
  • Web application for online live events
  • Tool to engage audience, by letting them clap or cheer
  • Merging the real and virtual world
  • Spicing up events, meetings or workshops

ClapConnection is an intuitive tool for authentic digital applause and cheers. As an innovative web application, it enables feedback in all forms of digital meetings. Not only for the recognition of speakers, but also as a non-disruptive form of expression from audience members. From small meetings to live concert streams, ClapConnection offers the transfer of familiar entertainment value into the digital world.



Live events are becoming increasingly popular and with the Covid-19 pandemic, this trend has only been intensified. Regardless of the industry or occasion, we all have been part of some kind of online live event in the past months. Whether for meetings at work, at school or for pure entertainment, online events are slowly and unconsciously becoming our new way of interacting with each other.

However, when organisers try to engage with their audience and make their programme much more interactive, they use a variety of features. Breakout rooms, raising hands during polls, emojis or simply the commentary function. But what was still missing was the ability to simply applaud, clap or cheer virtually. This led our partner and us to the following challenge: How can you enable your audience to express enthusiasm virtually and as realistically as possible in real time?

Clap Connection 3
Clap Connection 2



With our partner CarlNann, we decided to develop a tool that allows users to applaud online. This led to the need of establishing interfaces: one for the event organiser and one for the audience. Therefore, we developed an admin console for the organisers and a web application for guests.

The admin console lets the host organise and plan upcoming events. The audience then receives a QR code to scan, which leads them to the ClapConnection web application. Upon approval, the audience can then start clapping and cheering with just one click.

To make it more convenient, event organisers have the possibility to choose their subscription plan that best suits their needs. This enables them to hold interactive events without restrictions.



The development of an online clapping tool for events brought us another step closer to narrowing the gap between the real and virtual world. Another way of interacting is now added to the digital world: clapping and cheering.

The perpetual clapping of each individual guest is subsequently added to the sound so that the acoustics sound very realistic. Just like in a real event, usually one or two people will slowly start clapping just before the entire crowd joins them cheering. Super enthusiastic individuals can even use the booster to add a loud cheering sound to their clapping.


  • API (interface) to the WooCommerce WordPress plugin
  • React Application
  • Multi language
  • React Frontend & NodeJS

Key Results

  • Juicing up any online event
  • Live engagements for the audience, customers or employees online
  • Clapping & Boosting to cheer
  • Admin console & login portal for event organisers

Do you want to learn more or are you planning a similar project?

We will be happy to show you how to implement your idea efficiently and successfully, how to inspire users and how to make your brand experienceable in an innovative and interactive way. Just send us an email or make an appointment directly for a free and non-binding first meeting. We are also happy to conclude an non-disclosure agreement with you in advance so that you can openly discuss your idea and information with us – confidentiality, reliability and an open feedback culture for your project can be expected in any case!

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Till Neitzke