
WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Signal are playing an increasingly important role in users’ everyday lives, and messages are usually attributed at a very high level of importance. For many users, new messages are always displayed on a cell phone’s lock screen and thus attract their full attention. Unlike other social media applications, users do not have to actively go to the platform, but messages are delivered passively to their screens. News and messages can thus be communicated much more directly and quickly using instant messaging tools.

Marketing is challenged to respond and make use of these new communication routines of customers. Marketing activities should therefore pick up people where they already are – on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.

Automation with the help of chatbots can simplify and accelerate many processes. Chatbots are text-based messenger systems that enable written communication (“chatting”) with a computer system. The use of artificial intelligence can further expand the fields of application and minimize the susceptibility to errors.

Nevertheless, customers are the deciding factor:
The basic prerequisite for a successful chatbot is a clear strategy and a plan to target the right group of customers during the implementation stage.

Examples of Successful Chatbots

A prime example of the use of a chatbot is “Telefónica Deutschland”. The company sells mobile and fixed-network connections under the name O2 and relies on chatbots, among other things, for customer relationship management. The chatbot “Lisa – our virtual online helper” was set up on O2’s website and succeeded in reducing the volume of customer service inquiries by around 8,000 contacts per week. The chatbot can process 55 percent of the inquiries in a few seconds. The rest of the inquiries have to be released manually by employees, whereby the response time is short taking only a couple of minutes.

Another well-known chatbot is “Kim”, which is used on the “Maggie Kochstudio” website. The chatbot of the world’s largest food company Nestlé, can access more than 3,000 different cooking recipes; programmed to suggests recipes and cooking tips depending on the time of day. The platform used is Facebook Messenger, which is commonly used among their target customers.


Voice Assistants - The power of words

Voice assistants (also called intelligent personal assistants or mobile assistants), unlike chatbots, aim to communicate by voice: They can perform specific actions based on spoken instructions. They can be implemented in custom apps, on websites, in instant messenger tools, on social media platforms, or even in custom hardware components. The technology has now found its way onto many devices. The three best-known systems are currently Alexa from Amazon, Google Assistant, and Siri from Apple.

Similar to chatbots, the so-called voicebots provide users with answers to various questions. The functionality is similar to instant messaging tools, just with an additional step of converting speech into text for further processing.

Smartphones, for example iPhones with Siri, were the first devices to be equipped with voice assistants. In recent years, intelligent assistants have increasingly found their way into households, driven primarily by Amazon Echo (a speaker connected to the Internet). In the future, cars will also come with assistants, which will further accelerate the proliferation of these systems.


Important questions for Chatbots and Voice Projects

  • What are the goals of the chatbot?
  • What tone should the chatbot have?
  • What should the chatbot talk about?
  • Should the dialogue be free or only guided?
  • How should the chatbot dialogue be designed?
  • How will the chatbot respond to questions that it does not know the answer to?

How do we as Chatbot service providers make Projects successful?


As a chatbot service provider, we have already worked on all major chatbot platforms and implemented concepts ranging from simple inquiry bots to AI-driven support chatbots. We use the experience gained and best practices to implement new chatbot projects in the best possible way.

Agile Iterative Approach

If a concept is already available, our chatbot developers can create a customized chatbot on a selectable platform. This includes the complete implementation with utterances (customer statements), intents (customer intentions and the chatbot reactions to them), events (triggers for actions) and entities (action objects). We connect the chatbot to existing ERP, CRM systems or databases and, if required, also accompany the technical integration. Of course, we continuously reflect on our work, identify weaknesses and propose solutions or alternatives.

Pre-Test with Users

Chatbots and voice assistants can be perfectly tested in closed feedback groups and via A/B testing. The insights gained help the project team to optimally adjust the chatbot to the target groups and optimize the user experience.

Mature Technology

As a chatbot agency, we first implement new technologies within internal test projects and try them out with different user. These projects allow us to use very new and innovative techniques in customer projects as well as to create a stable and scalable platform.

Established Conceptual Designs and Planning Processes

Language and the understanding of users require a different approach than, for example, traditional websites or mobile apps. Language as a control element and output channel changes the way and what the customer defines as a good brand experience. As an established chatbot service provider, we have established the necessary process, concept and optimization capabilities for this in more than 50 different chatbot projects and have been refining the process with every new project. This allows us to implement new and innovative projects for voice interfaces in a clean and already validated way. This is how we leverage experience and innovation to make every project a success.

Objective Test Methods

We not only program chatbots, but can also test them right away. Our specialists in the area of testing, plan different test scenarios and carry them out on different platforms. This includes automated testing for larger solutions, random testing, voice A/B testing and also psychographic testing within the defined target group.

This Is! Digital Media Group is an expert in consulting, conception, and implementation of chatbot projects.

We advise and support our customers in the process, concept and success assessment as well as in the implementation of chatbot projects. From chatbots for real estate providers to chatbots for customer support with over 300,000 users, we have experience in sensible and efficient planning as well as implementation within the desired framework.

We would be happy to make you an individual offer based on your ideas and conceptions. If you already have a written concept, this is the optimal start – alternatively, we will of course support you in the development of your idea!

Just contact us, we will give you a non-binding and free budget estimate of your chatbot idea.

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Till Neitzke