
Campaign Creatives and Landingpage


Insurances are a great invention of mankind and in many areas they are a life saver – literally. But spending money on something intangible for a worst case scenario is not an easy sell. All the more if one considers the media journeys of generations Y and Z. So this campaign takes a new angle and wraps a boring topic in a fun experience.

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Campaign Features:

  • Campaign story: The testimonials are from the future – so they can tell one of your friends what their future will be like. With or without insurance!
  • So users can send the testimonials to find out the future for a friend
  • That is a humorous way of dealing with the insurance topic but at the same time underlines the importance of thinking about the future
  • The campaign mechanic allows great sharing-effects
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Campaign Creatives and Landingpage

Insurances are a great invention of mankind and in many areas they are a life saver. But spending money on something intangible for a worst case scenario is not an easy sell. This campaign takes a new angle and wraps a boring topic in a fun experience.

Campaign features

  • Campaign story: The testimonials are from the future - so the can tell one of your friends what their future will be like. With or without insurance!
  • So users can send the testimonials to find out the future for a friend
  • That is a humorous way of dealing with the insurance topic but at the same time underlines the importance of thinking about the future
  • The campaign mechanic allows great sharing-effects