We have carried out a number of projects on Instagram in the recent months. Of course, the topics of Like and Follow Instagram bots also play a role. The idea quickly explained: Social bots automatically comment, like and follow other users on Instagram 24/7 after selecting certain hashtags. This brings accounts a lot of interaction with relevant content and users. This interaction then generates many new likes and followers for their own Instagram profile.

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Are Instagram bots allowed?

No, Instagram’s T&Cs do not allow automated bots. That is understandable, since they negatively affect the platform in the long run. The API used by all bots to interact with Instagram is an interface that is not officially documented – and thus not actually usable – and is used only by the Instagram app to interact with the platform.

Instagram Bots Risks

The biggest risk is the complete blocking of the Instagram account. Out of 30 accounts that we have tested, there were only 2 suspensions. And that’s with aggressive settings enabled (a new follow every second). Other risks are lack of knowledge about what content the bots are liking. This leads to significant problems, especially for public figures and brands. Instagram is also trying to shut down all Instagram bots, during our test phase, Instagress was actually suspended.

Possibilities of Instagram Bots

In addition to interacting with the platform, Instagram bots can also be used to send messages to new followers. This makes perfect sense, since users reward a personal welcome message with increased interaction. Fully automated publishing of content is also possible exclusively via an Instagram bot. However, the official app and API do not offer this option.

How to obtain Instragram followers faster?

Bots are a variant that involve a lot of risk, but at the same time promotes extreme growths of followers and likes. Fully automated boosts of accounts are convenient and bring a reach that you can turn into money as an “influencer”. Besides purchased ads, you can also act as the “bot” yourself and just like everything and follow everyone. This makes the reach grow quicker and Instagram will most likely not sanction this behavior.

Do Instagram Bots bring more Likes and Followers?

A clear YES: We have seen new accounts with only stock photos that had over 10,000 followers within 10 weeks – without any advertising. The 16 hours a day interaction rate of the accounts clearly speaks for bots.

How do you spot Instagram Bots?

Especially for influencers who earn their money via Instagram, the incentive to use bots is very high. It is therefore important for companies to check at an early stage whether potential Instagram influencers are using bots or not. This is done by monitoring Instagram statistics and data. These enable automatic analysis and show clues for bots or other “tricks”. One of the best free services for this analysis is Socialblade. However, one should critically question the data and automatic ranking. Those who notice abnormal fluctuations in follower numbers and likes should take into account that these can also be generated by campaigns and newsletters. However, Socialblade is a tool that best indicates if an account uses a bot or not. For companies, we offer to analyze social media profiles and make recommendations based on analytical data. If you are interested, simply contact us.

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Conclusion: The best Alternative to Risky Fully Automated Instagram Bots

We advise brands not to use fully automated bots, as it carries large risks for the brand. However, there is an alternative that enables excellent growth rates and involves no risk:

Semi Automatic Instagram Bots

Semi-automated Instagram bots generate suggestions for likes and follows, which are then reviewed and implemented by a social media team. Combined with good content, appropriate hashtags, and enough interaction, this is the best alternative to risky fully automated bots.


Our successful campaign for Sparda Bank without Instagram bots

Sparda-Bank has an old brand image and does not appeal to younger generations. To change this, an image campaign was launched with the goal of achieving measurable interactions on channels relevant to younger generations. The solution was Germany's first financial campaign on the musical.ly platform. At the time of the campaign, the platform had even overtaken Snapchat in the download figures of the iOS and Play Store and received popularity among the younger generations.

THIS IS! Digital Media Group offers these Services for your Social Media Presence

To obtain a successful social media presence, we offer not only the best technology, but also content and strategy development. Our social media services for agencies and companies at a glance:

  • Social Media Management
  • Content & Media Creation
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Media Consulting
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Digital Strategy
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Would you like more information on Social Media Bots or need assistance with your Social Media presence?

We would be happy to show you how to implement social media efficiently and successfully, how to inspire users and how to make your brand experienceable in an innovative and interactive way. Simply send us an email or make an appointment directly for free. You can expect confidentiality, reliability and an open feedback culture for your inquiry!

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Till Neitzke